Now I have read a bit longer since my first post and a lot if new
things have happened. I think the book is really good and it gets even
more exciting the more I read!
Grace is very exited about the meeting with her wolf, when she actually
touched him for the first time since they met. She really wants to talk
to somebody about it, but especially since Jack Culpeper got killed by
the wolves she figures that nobody will understand her feelings about
the incident.
Later, at the same day as Grace?s and Sam?s special meeting, the white
she-wolf shows up just outside her window in the dark. She looks at
Grace and seems to warn her from taking contact with Sam, to back of
and leave him alone. Like Sam belongs to her pack and isn?t supposed to
create a close relationship to a human.
I wonder if the whole pack are werewolves, as far as I?ve read it hasn?
t been mentioned in the text. But in Sam?s thoughts he thinks of them
with human names, so I think that the whole pack are werewolves.
One day a young policeman named William Koenig comes to Grace?s class
to talk little about his job. But the class soon discovers that he is a
bit nervous and doesn?t know how to deal with the teenagers, and they
immediately start ask questions about Jack Culpeper?s death. A question
asked by a girl named Elisabeth ? if it?s true that Jack?s body was
stolen from the morgue ? becomes the starting point for many questions
and wild speculations. To me it seems like the pressure from the curios
class and teacher at last make William talk a little bit about the
William says that he doesn?t think that the wolves are a threat to the
population, and when someone points out that Grace also was attacked by
the wolves she dismisses the incident and tries to support the
policeman. Because when people remember the wolves attacked her they
remember it could happen to anyone, and Grace is afraid that someone
will decide to go after them. To go after her wolf.
I really recognize the situation when a new person stands in front of
the class and immediately gets judged. The class maybe behave
themselves in the beginning, but if the person seems nervous and doesn?
t tell them to be quiet when they start talking, they immediately lose
their respect for, in this case, William Koenig.
The writer really make the reader feel petty for him, and the detailed
describing of William make me wonder if he?s going to be important
later in the book.
After school Grace and her best friend Olivia go home to Grace?s place.
Olivia really likes taking photos and shows Grace some of them. One of
them pictures Sam, as a wolf, standing in the forest and looking in the
camera. When Olivia notice Grace?s interest in the picture she gives it
to her.
But even though Olivia is the only one who is near understanding Grace?
s fascination for the wolves Grace can?t talk to her about them with
her like she used to. Somehow the wolves, especially Sam, feel too
personal to talk about now.
Later, when Olivia has returned home, Grace stands outside her house
looking at the woods, she suddenly hears a scream. Somebody is calling
for help, and Grace can swear that it sounds exactly like Jack
Culpeper. But that?s impossible! Jack is dead. Or?
Without thinking she runs into the woods, searching for the source of
the screaming. After a wile she almost runs into three wolvers. She
recognizes two of them, ? the white she-wolf and the pack leader ?, but
the third one, a young male, she has never seen before. Everything
about the new wolf, from the colour of his fur till his hazelcoloured
eyes, reminds Grace of Jack. Her head screams human when she looks at
When Grace discovers the three wolves the pack leader and the white she-
wolf are pouching the younger male and forcing him down to the ground,
but when they see Grace they let him go and runs deeper into the woods.
Grace goes back home, but when she no longer sees the young wolf she
doesn?t know if she just imagined that the wolf and Jack was so alike.
This last part woke up a lot of questions in my head, and I think that
is exactly what the writer wants. Of course, I wander if Jack has
become a werewolf or not, I?ve argument both for and against.
If he is a werewolf, it explains a lot of things: Why a new wolf
suddenly appeared just when Jack Culpeper was ?killed?, why the wolf
and Jack where so alike, why Jack?s body was missing from the morgue
and why Grace heard a scream that sound just like him.
But in that case, I? don?t understand how Grace could hear Jack scream
as a human and in the next second meet him in wolf form. Because
considering what I?ve read before in the book the wolf doesn?t have the
possibility to change form whenever they want, they only become humans
in the summer when it gets wormer and wolves in the winter when it?s
So if Jack is a werewolf, how could he change form so quickly? Maybe it?
s different when you just became a werewolf? I don?t know yet, but I
think I?ll get the answers when I continue reading!
See ya lovers!
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