What I have read:
Now I have reached page 96 in my book, and the thing that I thought would happened in the next chapter happened.
Coraline went through the door to look for her parents.
But she had company, by a cat who is a kind of a friend to her.
I haven't mentioned the cat before because I didn't know if it was so important. But now when I know that … it is important I will tell you about it sooner. But now back to the summary.
Well… Coraline and the cat walk together through the long corridor until coraline suddenly sees a woman who stands at the end of the corridor. The woman looked like her real mother so she ran forward trough the corridor.
- Coraline darling, why did you ever run away from me? Sad the woman who obviously is her other mother.
- Where are my parents? Asked coralline angry.
- We´re here, and we are ready to love you, answered the other mother.
And then the other father appeared, he sat in a chair.
- Come in to the kitchen, he said, I´ll make us some midnight snack.
- I don't need a snack! Said Coraline courageous.
The other father looked disappointed. But the other mother smiled. Then she tried to fool Coraline by saying that her real parents were bored at her. But Coraline were smart, so she didn't believe that. Ans the other mother takes the key (to the door that leads out) and put it in her pocket.
- Don't you have a own key on this side? Asked Coraline.
- No, there is only one key, and one door… said the other father.
- Hush! Hushed the other mother like he´d said too much.

After that, coralline was about to go to bed. But she couldn't sleep. So she went out to the garden, and met the cat. And they talked about Coralines other mother:
- Why does she want me? Asked Coralline.
- I think she wants something to love, something that isn't her, answered the cat. Or something to eat, it's hard to tell with creatures like that.
- Do you have any advice?
- You can challenge her, there is no guarantee she´ll play fair, said the cat, her kind of thing loves games and challenges.
Coralline asked what the cat mended with that but it didn't answer, it just walked away and said that Coraline should go inside. And that's what she did.
Early next morning, Coraline did not know where she was, until after a while when she realized that she was in the other world.
She pulled on a pair of jeans and a grey sweater with stars on.
When she was clear, she went to the kitchen, and there sat her other father. The other mother wasn't there, She was outside and fixed the doors do keep the cat inside told the other father, he also told that it was nothing there to explore when Coraline was on her way out.
The other mother had made everything: the house, the garden and all the persons in the house while she waited.
But Coraline went out to the garden either way, she started to walk. After a time of walking, Coraline came till a strange place filled with mist.
Then, she got company again, the cat of cause.
- This is a bad place, said the cat, If you want to call it a place… and what are you doing here?
- I'm exploring said Coraline.
- Nothing to find here. This is the outside, the part that she didn't bothered to create said the cat.
- She? My other mother? Asked Coraline, what is she?
The cat didn't answer. They walked forward instead until a house appeared in front of them. It looked exactly like the house that Coraline just left. Maybe she got lost in the mist? Thought Coraline.
- So, she did this place?
- Made it, found it, what the difference? Said the cat and ran after a mouse.
Coraline walked into the house, it was quiet and dark. Then she and saw the mirror in the long corridor, and her reflection in it, just hers.
And suddenly a hand touched her shoulder, it was her other mothers hand.
- Coraline my darling, said the other mother, I thought that we could play some games together now this morning.
Coraline thanked no and asked were her real parents were, and why she didn't see the other mother's reflection in the mirror.
- Mirrors, answered the mother. Mirrors can´t be trusted.
She walked into the sitting room and sat down on a big sofa. And took up a shopping bag field with black beetles.
- Would you like to have some black beetles, asked the other mother.
- No! You're sick! Yelled Coraline.
- That's not a way to speak to your mother!
- You aren't my mother!
The other mother got angry and stood up, and tock Coraline to the mirror. She was taller this time, taller than she remembered. And then the other mother unlocked the mirror with a little tiny silver key. She twisted the key in the mirror, and it opened like a door.
It was dark inside the mirror.
- You may come out when you're ready to be a loving daughter, said the mother, and pushed Coraline into the mirror, closed it, and leaved Coraline alone in the darkness…
What I think will happen:
Hm… I don't really know what to happen next…? Maybe the cat comes and helps her out? I don't know. Or maybe there is another world in the mirror? No, it would be too complicated.
Describing the cat:
The cat has no name. It says that it doesn't need a one. She will recognize it, and all of the other cats knows who it is any way.
The cat lives in both of the worlds, the real one and the other one. But it can just talk to Coraline in the other World.
The cat seems very strange… it feels like it´s hiding something that it doesn't want to tell, or have permission to…
// Einztein

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