torsdag 31 mars 2011

I See You Baby - second post

Summary of the pages 20-40.
Keith Scully has really been looking forward to something for ages, and when it´s finally there it isn't that great.
When Keith left home he felt good, not fantastic but just good.  The sun was in the air and everything just felt great when he left home, but it would soon change. He was heading down  to see the best band in the world, "The Dead Holes". The best part of it would be; no rules, no parents and no teachers, only Keith and his two best friends Danny and James.
Keith was supposed to meet Danny and James at the train-station at 12 o´clock. At 10 past 12 there was not any sign of them anywhere.  And Keith felt pretty worried so he rang James on his phone.
James: -"Yeah?"
Keith: -"It ´s  Keith here"
James: -"What? " He shouted back.
Keith: -"It´s Keith!"
James: -"Who?"  He couldn´t hear Keith
Keith:-" Keith Scully"
James: -"Hey Scully!"
Keith: -"Where are you guys? The train is about to leave any second?
James: -"What train?"
Keith: -"The train to Manchester to the concert!"
James: -"Oh yeah right, we were on our way to ring you about that.."
Keith: -"What??"
James: -"We were going to ring you about that."
Keith: -"What do you mean?"
James: -"We are so sorry, Keith, but it's just that we met some girls yesterday, and we have a meeting with them today as well.
And then Keith hang up on them, but he didn´t care!  I don't need them, I can go on my own and it doesn´t matter AT ALL, Keith thought. Suddenly things were very clear for Keith; who was he trying to fool, James and Danny never where his best friends. They just had a conversation and they didn't take it serious. They probably just saw it like a spare thing to do on a Saturday.
So far the book has been entertaining but I think that it's not a good story it´s pretty obvious how it´s going to end. The positive side of this book is that it´s an easy language, and also a modern language. It contains common social problems as we have here in Sweden, so it´s good in that way. The writer has probably written this book about herself or someone she knew, that had the same problems as the major characters in the story.
So ,this far, I highly recommend this book to a teenager because it's fun to read, good for your language if you want improve it, and above all its common problems a that most teenagers have.

By:  Hej   

Brevvännen - andra inlägget

Chain Mail - andra inlägget

Nu har jag läst till sida 44. Mayumi och Sayuri är bästa vänner, Sayuri är superbra på badminton och Mayumi är alltid vid hennes sida och hjälper henne vid matcherna. När Mayumi är på väg hem från skolan får hon ett likadant SMS som Sawako fick från Yukari. Sawako valde rollen som Tjejen i huvudrollen och Mayumi läser det som Sawako hade skrivit och vill också vara med, hon valde rollen som Den kvinnliga detektiven som jagar stalkern. En ganska stor del av de jag har läst var de som Sawako skrev. Jag tycker att den här boken blir bättre ju mer jag läser. 


Justin Case - andra inlägget

Jag håller på att läsa en bok som heter Justin Case.
Den handlar om en kille som heter David Case. Han blir förföljd av sitt öde, så han byter stil och identitet för att komma undan ödet. Hans namn blir då Justin Case.  Det hjälper inte att byta ut hans gamla kläder mot nya, mer populära kläder. Ödet hittar honom ändå.
Under tiden som han försöker byta identitet så träffar han Agnes. Agnes är en tjej med udda smak på kläder. Hon älskar att ta foton av allt och alla med sin kamera. Efter ett tag börjar Justin bli en aning kär i Agnes.

Några månader efter deras första möte, vaknar Justin av en hårt dunkande mot hans vägg. Han går upp och följer ljudet till hans lillebror Charlies rum. Charlie hade hållit på med klossar och stavat till två ord som fick Justin att vilja rymma hemifrån, ’dödsdömd ungdom’. Han inser då att ödet har hittat honom. Han rymmer till stans flygplats där han bor i några veckor. Han känner sig fri. Som om ödet inte fanns. Efter ett tag ringer Agnes och frågar var han är. Han svarar och hon kommer dit. När de bott på flygplatsen i någon dag händer något hemskt. Ett plan störtar in i flygplatsen. Justin och Agnes blir svårt skadade och många på platsen dog. När de har kommit bort, långt ifrån flygplatsen ser dom hur hela byggnader exploderar.

Jag tycker boken vekar bra hittills. Jag har väldigt svårt att sluta läsa. 

/ Tess

Skämmerskans dotter - andra inlägget

Skämmerskans dotter av Lene Kaaberbøl handlar om Dina.
Dina som ärv sin mors förmåga. Förmågan som hon tycker är en förbannelse.
Förmågan att se vad folk skäms över i deras ögon.

Dina är inte alltför förtjust i sitt liv. Hennes förmåga gör att ingen vill se henne i ögonen, och han har inga riktiga vänner utanför sin familj.
En dag, när Dina hamnat i gräl med sin mor Melussina, storebror Davin och lillsyster Melli, gick hon ner till den lilla byn i närheten. Där letade hon upp sin barndomsvän Sasia, som hon hittade hos den bortskämda Cilla. Cilla, Sasia och några andra flickor lekte Fria till prinsessan, självklart var Cilla prinsessa.
Under denna lek retar Cilla upp Dina mer än Dina kan hantera, vilket leder till att Dina slår ner Cilla och tvingar henne att se henne i ögonen. Hon överrumplas av allt Cilla skäms för.


Twilight - andra inlägget

Jag har valt boken twilight. Boken handlar om en tjej som heter Bella som ska flyttar till Forke till sin pappa.hennes mamma körde henne till flygplatsen och innan hon gick in på flygplanen så kramades de hårt varandra. När hon kom till Forke så träffade hon henne pappa Charlie.


Measle Stubbs - andra inlägget

Jar har läst 20 sidor från där jag var sist. I dom här sidorna  handlar det om familjen stubbs  som åker till skattkammarön. Och där finns det ett tivoli. Measle pappa är en trollkarl så hans pappa trollade så att alla karuseller gick snabbarare.
När dom skulle hem så vart Measles mamma Lee förföjld av några okända män.
Lee kände att dom tog på hennes axel och samtidigt kände hon en konstig känsla. Sam (pappan) sa att det var vredesmnkarna som för sökte ta Lees  Mana ( Mana är är drivkarften i själva trollandet). Dom var då tvungna att skynda sig ut och åke hem....     Jag tycker att boken blir mer och mer spännande för varje sida.


Habib: på farligt vatten - andra inlägget

Jag har läst 121 sidor av 246.
Det jag har läst om handlar om att Habib och hans tre vänner Dani, Alex och Winston planerar att göra en teater för dagisbarn i skolan.
men dom hade tänkt att göra om teatern lite så att barnen blir rädda.
Nya personer i boken:
Habib har en ny lärare som heter karin.
habib har också stött på sin före detta lärare, Maja.
Jag tycker att boken är bra men lite tråkig ibland, för att han pratar om onödiga saker hela tiden.


Habib - Änglar här och där - andra inlägget

jag har käs en bok som heter Habib Änglar här och där.
författare heter Douglas Foley
Jag har läst 65 sidor av 263 sidor
boken handlar om att Habib ska flytta till ett stort hus med sin familj
Och dem som hjälper till att flytta det är:
(Habibs mamma)
(Tony) Habibs storebror.
(Paris) Habibs flickvän.
(Habibs pappa)
(Lucia) Habibs lillastyster
(Kompisar till Habibs pappa)
Och personerna som är med i boken det är dem som hjälpte till att flytta och dem här:
(Ninos) Paris kompis.
(Winston) Habibs kompis.
(Dani) Habibs kompis.
(Alex) Habibs kompis.
(Zumo) Habibs bästa hund.

det är vinter nu ungefär nånstans i slutet av november.
jag tycker att boken är ganska bra för att det är några invandrare som bor i skärholmen så man kan
läsa om dem så det är intressant tycker jag :) // MvH E.M

Sagan om ringen - Härrskarringen - andra inlägget

Detta har hänt sedan förra inlägget:

I Vattnadal hölls ett rådslag om vad som ska hända med ringen.
Det beslutas att Ringen måste förstöras.
Frodo åtar sig uppdraget att färdas till Mordor och där förstöra Ringen.
Med sig på sin långa vandring kommer hans vänner Merry, Pippin och Sam, som följt med honom från Fylke. Även trollkaren Gandalf Grå, alven Legolas, människan Aragon (av hoberna kallad Vildstige), dvärgen Gimli och människan Boromir.
Tillsammans börjar dom färden mot Mordor. Men vägen är inte lätt att gå, och dom stöter på många hinder.
Där jag är i boken just nu befinner sig Frodo och dom andra i gruvan Moria.
Det var dvärgarna som ”byggde” Moria, men i boken ligger hela gruvan öde.
Nu är Frodo och dom andras största mål att komma ut ur Moria levande…

Jag är på sidan 372 av 483, men hela boken (hela trilogin) är 1225 sidor.


Stormwarning - andra inlägget

Jag har läst 35 sidor och det handlar om en ung pojke som heter alexander rider. Hans förmyndare dör i ett mystisk sätt. Alex tvångsrekryteras av underrättelse tjänsten M16, han blir utskickad till hans först uppdrag. Men m16 misstänker att det ligger ondskefulla motiv bakom den till synes generösa gåvan, och det är bara alexander rider som kan få fram sanningen. Den offatbart rike herod sayle har erbjudit sig att gen en gratis stormbreaker dator till alla skolor i hela england. alexander beffiner sig i livsfara. Han blev till superspion från en vanlig engelsk skolpojke.

Spejarens lärling - Macindaws fästning - andra inlägget

Jag har läst 88 av 331 sidor. Will kom till Macindaw efter kriget från förra boken och blivit en spejare. Men när han var borta blev hans fästning tagen av en annan ledare (Keren). Keren tillfångatog hans barndomsvän Alyss. Will gick till Dysterdalsskogen till en helares camp och lever där. Han sänder budskap till alyss om att hans räddning kommer snart. Will och Horace (Horace är en liten stark gubbe som slogs med will i ett krig i boken innan..)  har träffat varandra och planerar att anfalla Macindaws fästning som styrs av Keren (en ond gubbe). Fast dom har bara 27 Skandier (en typ av barbarer). Fast dom tror dom kommer klara det ändå..

Boken är hittills bra. För att det händer mycket saker i den så att det inte blir långtråkigt.


Measle stubbs och vredesmunken - andra inlägget

Uppe på vinden blev Measle tagen av Basil. Basil blev förbannad på Measle. Basil flinade med ett ont leende. Sedan började Basil andas stora andetag rakt i Measles ansikte. Measle tyckte att det luktade så j**la illa att han nästan spydde. Det luktade gammal fisk blandat med svettiga strumpor. Efter ett tag tyckte Measle att Basil blev större och större. Men sedan insåg Measle att det var han som blev mindre. Tillslut var han så liten att varje andetag han fick på sig var en enorm stormvind. Basil tog sedan fram en liten tandpetare och bar över Measle till tågbanan som var enorm i Measles ögon. Measle tyckte att t var skumt att han var så liten. Han började utforska staden han hamnat i sakta men säkert. Han gick fram till några plastgubbar. Vissa såg väldigt väldigt verkliga ut men vissa hade en sylig kant rakt igenom sig. Measle undrade om det fanns något att äta i den lilla staden. Då såg han den rosa läsk och de små munk smulorna som Basil hade spillt varje gång han lekt med järnvägen. Measle gick fram och skulle smaka lite men då hörde han något ljud bakom sig. Det lät som om någon mumlade. Det kom från en såndär verklig plastgubbe. Han såg att munnen rörde sig lite. Plast gubben sa att han inte skulle äta av smulorna eller läsken. Measle gav honom en morot som han hade haft med sig i fickan.Då såg han att plastgubben blev mer och mer värklig. Tillslut var han som vanligt igen förutom att han var lika liten som Measle var. Han sade att Basil hade gjort honom liten också.Han hade sedan blivit av plast för att han hade ätit av den rosa läsken och dom små smulorna. Morötter var ett botemedel mot plastförvandlingen. Dom gav sedan morötter till en annan person. Mer har jag inte läst just nu.Boken är ganska bra Jag har läst 50 sidor

Gone - first post

Charles - Ingvar Jönsson

onsdag 30 mars 2011

Assassin - first post

I am reading a book called Assassin by Tony Bradman.
The first chapter is about a boy called Owen and he's father is out and hunting wolfes.
Suddently they se a crusade of romans who were led by Hadrian.
Owen and he's had to run back and tell the tribe leader what they just had seen.


måndag 28 mars 2011

Chain Mail - första inlägget

Jag har hittills läst 27 sidor av 223. Boken heter Chain Mail och handlar om Sawako som bor med sin pappa i Japan. En dag när hon var i skolan fick hon en konstigt SMS, ämnet var: Sawako-san, ska vi skapa en fiktiv värld. Det fanns 4 roller som man fick spela i den fiktiva världen, Tjejen i huvudrollen, Hennes pojkvän, Stalkern, Den kvinnliga detektiven som jagar Stalkern. Rollen av Stalkern var redan tagen av Yukari (hon som skickade SMS/et). Jag har inte fått reda på vilken roll Sawako valde men jag tycker att boken verkar mycket intressant och bra.   


lördag 26 mars 2011

Stormbreaker - first post

Summery of the 40 first pages

Im reading Stormbraker written by Anthony Horowitz.
So far is the book very good. It's about a kid name Alex who live with his uncle Ian and his houskeeper Jack.
Ian woorks at a bank and he woorks everytime so Jack take care of Alex, she is Alex best fiend.
One day are they eating dinner and waiting for Ian to come home. They are waiting very long and suddenly it nockes on the door and alex run to open it.
When he had opend the door he saw that it was the police and they looked sad. They told him that Ian hade died in a car accident because he didnt wear a seatbelt. Alex thought that was very odd because Ian wouldn't drive anywhere whithout Alex wearing a seatbelt.
Ians funeral was a coupple of days later and alex didn't regognize many of the peapole that where there. When Alex and Jack are on the way to go out from the funeral does a black cab show upp. 
Out of it comes a man looking to be in the early 60 and a middle age wommen from Ians jobb. The man walked to alex and told him he was so sorry for his lost Ian was a patriot and he will be missing.
Alex thought that was weard that Ian was a patrot because he is never in his country. The man from Ians jobb told Alex to come to the bank and take Ians stuffs and look around and Alex said that it was okay, he was going there after school the next day.
After the funeral do Alex see a white moving trunk outside his house taking Ians stuffs without permision. Alex gets very angry and take his bike and goes after the trunk. After a while do the trunk turn in to a big Scrapyard and thats when alex notice Ians car. He run to the car and saw that it is bullet holes in it. Alex heard voices so he hide in the car and then the car suddly lifts from the ground. Alex succes to jump out in the back of the car. He run for his bike but a big fat guy working there stands in his way but alex easy beat him down and manage to escape.

I think the book is very good because it happend something all the time and you dont get bored while reading. 


Dead until dark - first post

Author: Charlaine Harris
Published: May 2001

Sookie Stackhouse - Lead person.
Sam Merlotte - Bar manager/boss.
Mack Ratray and Denise Ratray - Kill vampires for money.
Arlene - Fellow waitress.
Rene Lainer - Arlenes boyfriend.
Jason Stackhouse - Sookies brother.
Bill Compton - The vampire, that Sookie likes.
Adele Hale Stackhouse - Grandmother to Sookie.

Sookie lives in Bone Temps with her grandmother, it is a small town in Louisiana. She works as a cocktail waitress in a bar. One day one of the most handsome guys comes in and sits down at one of her tables. The first thing she notices is that he is a vampire.
 In this story people know that vampires exist. But Sookie is not affraid.
 As many other Sookie have a secret... she can read minds. That makes life complicated for her, but then she notices that she can´t read the thoughts of vampires, that make her a little happier (one mind less to shut out).
 The vampire, Bill, is tricked by two humans, the Ratrays, or the Rats as Sookie likes to call them. The Rats are drainers, they drain vampires on blood to earn some money. Vampireblood is good for humans if they are hurt, but it also works like a drug. Anyway, Sookie saves Bill from the Rats, which makes the Rats angry.
One day after work they show upp. With no one around they beat her to the edge of death. Luckily Bill shows up and rescues her. He gets rid of the Rats and gives Sookie some blood to save her life.
 Bill has no problem with Sookie beeing able to read minds, when others think she is crazy, and one night they kiss.
One night, Sookie has been invited to Bills house, which is not far from where she lives. When she enters Bill is not alone as she thought he would be. There where three vampires and two humans in the house, other than Bill and Sookie. When Sookie by accident read one of the humans mind he jumped at her but Bill was there to help her. The human, Jerry, probably did not live much longer.
When Sookie and Bill said goodbye a misunderstanding happened and she ran to her car with tears in her eyes.

I have read two chapters, 73 pages. In the begining it was a litle hard to follow but it got easier. So far the story have been great and I am anxious to read some more.
One thing I did not like was that people thought Sookie was crazy, on the other hand it makes the story better.
One thing i thought was interesting was that Bill could float in the air, I did not mention that above.

Next I hope Sookie and Bill will get to a boyfriend girlfriend relationchip. I also believe that the vampires at Bills house will turn against Sookie and Bill.

The author describes a lot of environment but also a lot of feelings. For exampel if someone says "met me at the back door" it makes you think, there is a back door but where is it. Is it in the end of a corridor or in the kitchen? Sometimes she describes the environment very well and sometimes not. When she writes about feelings it is mostly Sookies feelings. She writes it so that you understand and can relate to them.

At the top i wrote a lot of names because I do not believe she would mention them if they did not have a purpose. People in the story often give the reader a better insight of the main character.
 I have also noticed things that are different from similar books. In this book vampires can´t walk in the sun, they do not withstand silver and they do sleep in a secure place.
In, for examle Twilight, the vampires can walk in the sun, they kan handle silver and they do not sleep.


Stormbreaker - first post

What I have read
I reading the book stormbreaker it's about a boy named Alex Rider who have lose his parents just after he was born. He lives with his uncle Ian Rider who was a banker and Jack Starbright who was maid. One day the police came to their house and said that Ian had died in a car accident because he hadn't been wearing his seat-belt. Alex thinks it's weird because Ian always wore his seat-belt. At Ian's funeral Alex don't recognize anyone and he see a man who carrying a gun and it's then Alex starts to look things up with the car his uncle had droved and he found that he hasn't died in a car accident. Alex found stuff that makes him believe that his uncle wasn't an banker and soon he find out that Ian wasn't an banker. He was a spy and he had lied about the bank stuff to protect his identity as a spy... Ian's boss Mr Blunt asks Alex if he want to start working for them. I have come so far that he just have said yes, and now he knows what his first mission is. His first mission is to keep an eye on Herod Sayle who has made a revolutionary computer named stormbreaker.

What I think about what I have read
It's a very exciting book to read because you don't really know what will happened, anything can happened. What I have read is very exciting and you feel the curiosity in Alex that he has to find out what have happened with his uncle. It's a book who makes me feel like I have to read more and more because it's so exciting and you want to know what will happen next. I like and dislike what I have reading I like it because I really like the movie and I have hopes that the book will be as exciting as the move and I love spying and things like that, but what I dislike is that not so much had happen but I'm very excited to see what's going to happen next.
What I think will happen

I have just read to page 44 so not so much have happened but what I think will happen is that Alex goes to Herod Sayle and he going to find something about the computers that is not good. But he going to stop it and save people. It won't be easy for him, but he will make it any way.


/Aifos Nosslrak

Impact - first post

I'm reading a book called Impact.
The story begins in a house  and Jordan ( the main person ) is listening to his father talking about when his brother died in a car accident. Then the story jumps forward in time and you get to know that Jordan's brother, Mark has been beaten to death and that the coops has been involved. The coops thinks that a gang has done it.
Thats about everything that has happed so far in the story.
I think that the beginning is quite lame and I hope that the story is getting more exciting. It would be fun if  Jordan is going for revenge for Marks death :P .

// Kire

Shiver - first post

I'm reading a book named Shiver by the American writer Maggie Stiefvater. The book is about a seventeen year old girl named Grace and her fascination for the wolves who lives in the forest just outside her house. Especially one of them has caught her attention, a wolf with unique yellow eyes that's often standing at the edge of the woods and her backyard, watching her.
But what Grace doesn't know is that the yellow eyed wolf actually is a werewolf. In the summers when it gets warmer he turns into a human, with the same special yellow eyes. His name is Sam.

The book is written in two different angels, Grace's and Sam's, and Sam's angel sometimes is from a human's perspective and sometimes from a wolf's. He also feels drawn to Grace, and the special connection between them seems to have been formed a cold winter many years ago. Then Sam's pack attacked Grace and dragged her into the woods. But despite the horrible hunger, Sam stopped the other wolves from killing her.

Grace doesn't remember how she survived, but she remembers Sam's special, yellow eyes. And since that day she spends a lot of time watching the pack and Sam, or as she likes to think, her wolf. Grace often tries to make contact with him, but it seems to me that Sam
is a bit afraid of a closer contact. As a human he has the chance to contact her, one time Grace even shows up in the same bookstore as he works. But instead of do something he just wishes that Grace will look into his yellow eyes and understand who he is. But she never notices
him as a human.

But one day in September, something unexpected happens. A boy in Grace's school, Jack Culpeper, suddenly gets killed. Everybody thinks that the wolves in the forest killed him, and now they are terrified of them. Everybody except Grace.

Ever since she started watching the wolves from her garden she has memorized all of the pack-members faces and personalities. Only two of them, the sick wolf and the white she-wolf, Grace could imagine attack a human. But the rest of them she doesn't fear at all. And she doesn't think any of them would attack someone without any reason.

One day Grace walks to the edge between her backyard and forest to meet her wolf. He's standing there as always, watching and waiting, and they face each other, closer than they never been before. Then she sees a little blood on his nose. Grace talks to him, and asks him if he killed Jack Culpeper. And then, for the first time since they met, Sam closes his yellow eyes.
Slowly Grace goes closer and eventually she thatches the wolf for the first time since they met. And he doesn?t move until the white she-wolf suddenly appears in the woods, just starring at them. Then Sam leaves Grace and follows the white wolf back into the woods.

This is as far as I've read in Shiver, and this last part made me wonder a lot of things. First of all, it seems like the rest of the pack has influence on Sam. They seem to stop him from take as much contact with Grace as he actually wants. I can really feel their desire to be close each other, but different things always seem to stop them.

I also wander if the wolves killed Jack or not. At first I think they didn't, but the fact that Jack was dragged into the woods, the blood on Sam's nose and his closed eyes when Grace asked about it, it all sounds so suspicious. But maybe, that's just what the writer wants us to believe, when there is actually a completely different explanation for Jack's death. So I really understand Grace when the circumstances around Jack's death make her a bit confused.

When I continue reading the book I think that Jack's death will have a big meaning in the future. The fact that almost everybody think that the wolves is responsible will get consequences.

And to get the answers to my questions and speculations, I just have to continue reading, and that's exactly what I'm going to do!

Uglies - first post

This story is about a girl named Tally who lives in the ugly town. She is fifteen and her best friend Perris have just traveled away to go through an operation who will make him beautiful. In this century (who is the future from our time set) everybody travels away when they turn sixteen to get an operation and live in a new city called New pretty town. There, all they do is partying and enjoy their new found beautifulness.
When you start reading the book Tally is just going to break in to their party, even though she is not allowed to, just to see Perris again and talk to him. But as you can expect, Tally is revealed and she has to escape from the New pretty town. 
When she has escaped she meets a girl named Shay and she is much more demonstrative and rebellious than Tally is. I think that Shay has a really big role in this book. I think that she is going to change Tallys way of thinking about the New pretty town and all the pretties. I think she is going to learn Tally how to live each day and to not just think about that in three months they are going to be operated.  Shay, really don't want to get an operation, but she knows that everyone is going to have one.  She learns Tally how to ride a hover board and one night they sneak out and travel away over to the old landscape who once were the place where everybody lived, the old city where everybody was incredible stupid, and ugly. But in this area they are not allowed to be in.  And this is how far I have read.

When I read the first pages of the book, when Tally is breaking in to the party, I think that the writer describes the whole party and all the pretties as if they have a role to play and they really don´t have much fun.  That is maybe not her meaning, but it sounds like that it´s stiffly and the pretties thinks that they are more important and valuable then the uglies. And the thing I can relate it to is the reality. There are people that think that they are more important than everybody else, and they are looking down at the people who are not as "popular" as they are. They gets respect from everybody and many wants to be as they are. But you have to take a distance from those thougts and realize that you, yourself maybe have just as much fun that they have. And when a read two sentence between Tally and Shay who were like this: "Perris made me promise to take it easy." " Tally, do you think maybe he just said so you wouldn´t come around anymore." It made me think of how false people can be. You trust them, but in a second they can turn their face against you and let you down.

This book is so far really good and I look forward to read more of it!
What I think is going to happened next is that they will get caught and get in big trouble, who will maybe do so they won´t get pretty!
Now I have to read more of the book!
Ciao Bellas!
// Kråkfot 

fredag 25 mars 2011

Just listen - first post

"Annabel Green is a girl who has it all- at least, that's how it seems on TV commercials. Annabel's life is far from perfect. Her friendship with cruel, dramatic Sophie ended on a night she can't bear to remember; her sister Whitney moves back home because of her eating disorder, making her moody and distant, she wants to quit modeling, but can't bear to tell her mom, and she is now an outsider at her school"

I'm reading the book JUST LISTEN. The story evolves around Annabel, a girl who used to be very popular. But that changed over "the lonely summer" as she calls it. I'm only in the beginning so she still calls the turning point "that night" but doesn't explain it further.

As far as I've got Annabel's described a bit of her school, some history with her ex. best friend Sophie, her family's problems and some of her own thoughts about everything that happened "that night". 

The author hardly describes anything that's happened before the book's start. Instead, you get to follow Annabel around and get small glimpses and clues of what have happened. The way she writes about "the thing" makes me think it's something really terrible. I hope I'll get to find out what it is soon because it's kind of frustrating but at the same time exciting.


Coraline - first post

I read the book Coraline. It's about a girl called Coraline, who moves to a new house with her mother and father, and she finds a little hidden door in their new drawing room. And one night when she is about to go to bed, she sees something that glides through the long corridor and in to the drawing room. Coraline wanted to know what it was so she followed, turned the lights on and discovered that the little door stood open… but she knew that her mother locked it.
That's the beginning of this little scary and unusual book which is written by Nail Gaiman.
And in just that part I got a little scared.

The personality and characters in this book is very special. We can take Coraline first for an example. She is intelligent, brave and always on her way to discover new things and places. You can get prows from that when read the beginning.
But if we think a little bit of Coralines real parents and her fake parents then? You can find many differences, but so many similarities.  Most of the differences is their appearance but also some personality.
Coralines real parents are not so funny, but her "other parents" is. Her "other parents" are long, pale and tiny, and they've got buttons for eyes. Her real parents don't have that. 

What I have read
A while ago I passed the page 69, and many things have happened until then, many wired and nasty things.
I can start to tell you that Coraline went through the door that she discovered, and find another place.  Not quite a whole new place, it was the same place she had at home, same old house and same rooms and the same garden but there were fog everywhere.  Something was not right.
Her parents where there too, but they weren't the same. They were different… for example, they got big black buttons for eyes, and they were long, tiny and pale, their hands looked a bit like claws too. 
That's a thing that I have thought about, what if you finds a little door or something else that leads you to something new. It could be a thing, a fantasy place or a dream. But think this too, it's not an ordinary thing, place or dream but it's real. And it's not always a good dream that you dream. It could be a nightmare…
And that's what is going to happen with Coraline. Because her "other parents" says that she could stay there forever, there was just one little thing that she had to do. Sewing in buttons for eyes, just like them.
But Coraline didn't want that so she ran away, through the little door and came home.
But she was alone, her real parents wasn't there. They were gone… And there were a message left for her in the mirror that sad: "help us". Maybe it was from her parents? Maybe, maybe not or was it a trap?
What's going to happen?
The next thing that's going too happened is that I think that Coraline gets back to the "other world" to save her parents from her "other bad fake parents". But I don't think that it's going to be easy for Coraline. Her "other parents" are surely going to do something bad and nasty to her. But maybe she finds a friend that will help her, or maybe that friend is bad too? You never know.
But one thing that I know for sure is that Coraline is going to make it, in one way or another because of her braveness and intelligence.


Guardians of ga'hool - first post

The book is about a little owl named Soren, and it is also about family and friends. In the books beginning Soren is only 2 weeks old and he has a brother named Cludd, and a little-sister that haven hatch yetHe have also a mother and a father, and the family have like a maid that is a blind snake that's called Mrs. Plithiver or Mrs. P. One night Soren fell out of their nest in the tree, but I think that Cludd pushed  him out of the nest because Cludd didn't wanna help Soren to get back up to the nest again and Cludd seem's to be very evil and mean. That's happened in the book so far is that Soren's little-sister Egletine had hatched and they had some ceremonies like insect, meat and bone ceremonies (it's like the first time they eat it), Soren "fell" out of the tree and when he sat there on the ground a huge owl came and took him and flew away to St. Aegolius Canyons were he met Gylfie, a little Elf Owl.

 I think that the book is great and after I read it it feels like I have been watching a movie. The book is very detailed so you can get a very clear picture of how it looks and what he feels, there is even a map on the first page of the book that show's how the kingdom looks like and how they live. There is also pictures on the most of the owls in the book on the second page and on the last page. The book has been made as a movie that was on cinema some weeks ago.
(picture of the map)

/Amme Grebtsö

Linger - first post

I'm reading the book Linger by Maggie Stiefvater and it's the second part in a planned trilogy. I've just past page 30 and it's already exciting.

The book is about Grace, a teenage girl who has a life filled with werewolves. When she was just a baby a werewolf dragged her into the forest behind her house. In a strange way she connected with one of the wolves. The wolf (Sam) took her home again, away from the other wolves’ attacks. Grace and Sam got some sort of bond that would last forever; despite all werewolves have no humanlike feelings in their werewolf bodies. They can't think abstract thoughts.

When it's warm outside the werewolves transform into humans, but for over ten years Sam stood on the same place in the forest behind Grace's house watching her and waiting for the summer to come. That's the three months he gets to make Grace notice him as a human, not just like a wolf.

In "Frost"(the first book) they meet and, of course, fall in love. With the help of some friends they succeed to cure Sam from the werewolf transformation, so in "Linger" he's still a human. I haven't got that far in the story of the book yet, but Grace's best friend Olivia got bitten by a werewolf in the end of the last book. Now her parents think that she has ran away because of a letter she wrote to hide the truth from them. That she turns into a werewolf nowadays. A cop thinks he saw Olivia in the forest, as a human of course, since people in common don't know about the wolves. So he went to Sam's job and Grace's home to question them about the case of Olivia. Sam is a terrible liar but he managed to answer the questions without leaving any information or truly lie.

Sam and Grace are in the age to pick a college soon. Grace has been distracted by Sam's presence in the house and hasn't really decided yet. Sam hasn't even thought about a college because he just three months ago became a werewolf every time it was cold around him. (Cold weather means shape shifting)
When I started to read I thought a lot about and around Sam as a person. How the author wanted him to act in different situations, his language or what he brings to the story. Especially his acting in the quote form example:
"But instead of answering my college question, Sam stood and went to the kitchen. I watched him put on the tea kettle and he brought down to mugs from the cabinet over the stove. What now?" /Grace

Grace haven't had that much of god contact with her parents, because they work almost all the time. Now when Sam is staying at theri place(though Grace's parents don't know) she's never alone, but she still got a "parent" in the house. Sam.

When you're in "werewolf mode" you don't age. So basically Sam is much older than he seems to be. He always thinks before talking or acting and I as a reader feel comfortable and pleased every time Sam is in the chapter. The first "thing" that popped up in my head to compare with was Edward Cullen in twilight. Booth are these good guys with an old mind, cute and have a proper behavior. But still they feel mystical and unreachable. Too good to be true, and that’s why I think something is going to happen. Something around Sam that will make me change my mind about him. But I hope I´m wrong! Now in the beginning the story needs him more than ever, to speed the action a bit. I want to get to the more exciting part.

/Dynamit Harry

I see you baby - first post

The book contains two main persons, Sally Mack and Keith Scully, which are fed up with their life's. The first 20 pages were only about Sally Mack and  you get directly in to the story like you are this person.
What Sally Mack thought was that it would be just like any other Saturday….
She went up at 8 a clock in morning because she was heading for her job at Auntie Rena´s café.  When she got there it was exactly like any other Saturday, except that she had no idea of what was going to happen.
The duties Sally did at the café was always the easiest things, because she is so clumsy, something her Auntie did not appreciate AT ALL. This day, when she got a chance to serve coffee to a table, of course she spills as usual, but luckily not even near the girl she was serving. Even though the coffee wasn't near the girl she shouts "IDIOT!" loud. Everyone in the café can hear it and everyone looks at Sally and the girl.  The only thing the coffee was spilt onewas the girl's rucksack.
No big deal, Sally thought. But the rucksack girl get really angry and says that all her clothes for the weekend are destroyed. Sally´ s auntie now interferes and says that she will make it up to the rucksack girl. She tries to solve the situation as good as possible, and says that Sally is their worst waitress, as an excuse. The Rucksack girl, she isn't the politest person, and doesn't accept auntie Rena´s offer.
Suddenly, the rucksack girl says that she want to leave the café to go shopping for shoes. She leaves the café but before she goes she throws her bag to Sally, because she don't want it anymore, for some reason.
After Sally´s shift she gets fired for being clumsy. When she gets home she open the bag and she find´s ears plugs, four pot noodles, a travel kettle,  a travel iron, hair tongs, two bog rolls, dettox spray, wet wipes, a cuddly toy, a sleeping bag and four lace thongs. When opening a side pocket of the bag she finds a note and laughs for herself, because she thinks it is a note from the rucksack girl to her, BUT NO! It was a ticket to a Rock out and it was an all access pass. The backstage pass was issued for the rucksack girl which name was Ms. Sally Park.
To be continued………
And it was some words I didn't have idea of what they mean and it was
-Bog rolls
- travel kettle
- and rucksack I thought it was backpack
I See You, Baby...

// hej

If I stay - first post

The last thing Mia remembers is the music.

After the accident, she can still hear it. And she can see her damaged body being taken from the wreck of her parents' car – even though she can't feel a thing.

All she can do is watch as doctors rush to save her life, as her friends and relatives gather outside her room, as the boy she loves struggles to be near her.

As the next twenty-four hours unfold, Mia must come to terms whit what came before the crash – and what could come after.  And she knows she must do the most difficult choice of all.

If she stay...

I am reading this book, if I stay.
I have read to page 43, and the book is very good so far.  I have come to the crash, I was very close to tears, after only a few pages.

What I have read:
Mia how is the main character in the book, her life is almost perfect when it happened, the crash.
She standing outside the car and she can see her parents lying on the road, both dead.
She runs back to the car to look for her brother Teddy, she sees an arm from the car and go further but it appears that it is not Teddy, it is her.
She sees the ambulance coming, and the paramedics says that Mia is still alive.

Personal reflections:Mia didn't think that the day should came so soon, she is only 17 years old and her parents are dead.
You don't go every day and think that it is that day you are going to die.
Mia didn't know that this was the day she was going to die, the day started as an ordinary day.
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We don't know when we will die and we can't decide it either. It happened to Mia and her family and it can happen the same to any family anytime.
Maybe that's why I almost started to cry, because it could happen to me.

The end.
/ Anna-oj Ekralg

The haunting of Ellen - first post

Author: Martin Waddell

I have read 25 pages and this is what has happed:
Ellen and her little sister Bella runs Bon Vista, a guest house in Ballaghbeg, together with Mrs Bailey, their mother. Their father is dead.

One day a woman rang to book rooms for a family, the telephone line was very bad so Ellen didn´t hear all what the woman said. Ellen thought that the women wanted to book rooms for a family with a child of eleven, a small baby, mother and father. But when the guests arrived it showed out that the women in the telephone hade meant eleven children, mother and father. The guests who had arrived was the Mooney family. Mrs Bailey hadn´t expected so many persons and she didn´t knew where she would let them sleep. Then Ellen got an idea, they had an old back house at the end of the garden where she, Bella and their mother could sleep. Then the Mooney family could take their room in Bon Vista.
The back house didn´t have any electricity or water. No one had lived there for many years and the roof had lost many slates and it was dust all over the place. They had thought about cleaning the back house up since they bought the place, but they never got time. Ellen and Bella took the small rooms upstairs and Mrs Bailey slept downstairs in the room that used to be the living room.
After midnight Ellen woke up because she heard a clock ticking, but she knew that the only clock in the back house didn´t work because it had no minute hand...
The whole story is around Ellen so I think that something will happen to her. It seems like she have special connection to the house. I haven’t got any ages of the characters in the book, but I got a feeling that Ellen and one of the Mooney boys will be very good friends....
When I read about the back house I think of a house like the one who the family Melkersson moves into in Saltkråkan (but smaller). When the family Melkersson came to Saltkråkan for the first time there are holes in the roof so it rains in and the house is very dusty.
I think that the author wants to give a spooky feeling about the back house. He writes about it in a spooky way. For example the clock that it first didn´t work and then it is ticking. I also think that it will be worse. The author starts whit something small, like the clock, and worse stuff is  going to happen.
The book is so far not so bad. I understood early what it was about and the author has written in an interesting way. But I think I have to read more of the book to tell more about what I think of it.
