This story is about a girl named Tally who lives in the ugly town. She is fifteen and her best friend Perris have just traveled away to go through an operation who will make him beautiful. In this century (who is the future from our time set) everybody travels away when they turn sixteen to get an operation and live in a new city called New pretty town. There, all they do is partying and enjoy their new found beautifulness.
When you start reading the book Tally is just going to break in to their party, even though she is not allowed to, just to see Perris again and talk to him. But as you can expect, Tally is revealed and she has to escape from the New pretty town.
When she has escaped she meets a girl named Shay and she is much more demonstrative and rebellious than Tally is. I think that Shay has a really big role in this book. I think that she is going to change Tallys way of thinking about the New pretty town and all the pretties. I think she is going to learn Tally how to live each day and to not just think about that in three months they are going to be operated. Shay, really don't want to get an operation, but she knows that everyone is going to have one. She learns Tally how to ride a hover board and one night they sneak out and travel away over to the old landscape who once were the place where everybody lived, the old city where everybody was incredible stupid, and ugly. But in this area they are not allowed to be in. And this is how far I have read.
When I read the first pages of the book, when Tally is breaking in to the party, I think that the writer describes the whole party and all the pretties as if they have a role to play and they really don´t have much fun. That is maybe not her meaning, but it sounds like that it´s stiffly and the pretties thinks that they are more important and valuable then the uglies. And the thing I can relate it to is the reality. There are people that think that they are more important than everybody else, and they are looking down at the people who are not as "popular" as they are. They gets respect from everybody and many wants to be as they are. But you have to take a distance from those thougts and realize that you, yourself maybe have just as much fun that they have. And when a read two sentence between Tally and Shay who were like this: "Perris made me promise to take it easy." " Tally, do you think maybe he just said so you wouldn´t come around anymore." It made me think of how false people can be. You trust them, but in a second they can turn their face against you and let you down.
This book is so far really good and I look forward to read more of it!
What I think is going to happened next is that they will get caught and get in big trouble, who will maybe do so they won´t get pretty!
Now I have to read more of the book!
Ciao Bellas!
// Kråkfot
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