torsdag 7 april 2011

Linger - third post

This week I’ve read enormously more than the other two weeks. The new guy, Cole, has shifted into a wolf for the first time and has found his way to Mercy falls, the village Grace and Sam live in.  One day when it’s minus 10 degrees outside he shifts back to human and meet Sam in the wolf pack’s hidden cottage in the forest. Sam doesn’t know who Cole is at the start but then he remembers that three new wolves have been recruited to the pack. In the middle of their conversation Cole’s body notices the cold and starts to shiver and shake. After a minute he’s in his wolf body but he keeps on staring at Sam. A normal wolf would have run away in the moment it got its paws but not Cole. Sam hasn’t got that much information about Cole from the alpha male (because he turned into a wolf a little bit early than expected and he’s so old that he’s never going to changes back to human again.) , but he knows that Cole was prepared for the werewolf life. Beck, the last pack leader, said that he picked the three new guys/wolves for a special reason. And I’ve already written about Cole’s previous life: drugs, parties and big gigs. The author also choosed to tell that he didn’t want to live his own life but hadn’t enough life spirit to keep it up and change it.
The last chapter I’ve read was from Cole’s perspective, and it was about him getting to know Mercy Falls. A new wolf is sensitive to large temperature changes, and this time Cole felt that it was too warm for him to stay wolf. He saw a house and thought of what Sam hade said to him:
“The house has got a fan heater, some food and clothing. In the box that says SAM, something ought to fit.”
Cole was terribly hungry and was freezing like a pig so he went into the house through the back door. I understood it like Cole didn’t think about that it wasn’t a little cottage but a mansion but I guess he was too confused to think relevant. Of course, you don’t wear clothing like a wolf so Cole is in this stage, completely naked and when he hears a girl’s voice in the other end of the corridor he stops. He has been walking in to  Isabel Culpeper’s house. I don’t know if I mentioned it before but Isabel is nowadays Grace’s best friend. Isabel  is one of few persons that Grace and Sam told the whole story about the wolves to. But that’s because her brother got bitten by a werewolf and then he became one himself. In the first book Grace and Isabel tried to cure him and Sam but only Sam made it.
Ever since her brother Jack died because of the-almost-cure-accident, her parents have start fighting every day and night. Her mother ignores Isabel totally or treats her like she doesn’t understand anything. Her father on the other hand always has a lot to tell her not to do, not to behave and not to say. Before Jack’s dead, her father was one of her closest friends but I have understood it like Jack always had been both of their parents’ favorite. He was older, he was extraordinary in school, was successful in different kinds of sports. But most important was that he loved hunting and so did his father. Its wrong word to use but Isabel was a little lonely bit outside the others in the Culpeper family, but it didn’t get better when the families’ star died. They went to therapy in many weeks but Isabel’s mother still doesn’t change her ridiculous behavior and now Isabel doesn’t have the energy to do something about it.
 Isabel is Mercy Fall’s Paris Hilton, with describing words; a real bitch. But not always when she’s hanging out with Grace and Sam. I think that when you’re popular, in the way Isabel is, you don’t get that much friends. You get contacts, but that’s where it stays, so maybe when she’s with friendly Grace and good old Sam she feels more comfortable and relived. She doesn’t need to have the latest Gucci bag or Prada shoes; she’s able to be just Isabel Culpeper. And who doesn’t prefer that?
I think is really funny to read how she grows as a person and gets a stronger self confidence. She has gone from being Graces most hated person in Mercy Falls, to now be her closest friend. That’s a real change and I like it! J
I finish my post with a quote from an “Isabel chapter”:
“I had my usual group of girls who sat around me, eyes painted like mine. Being popular in a town the size of Marcy Falls was ridiculously easy. You only had to believe you were a hot commodity, and you were. It really wasn’t like San Diego where being popular was like a full-time career. The effects of attending the assembly-an hour-long as for the Isabel Culpeper brand-would last for a week.”
By Dynamit-Harry

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